Kids events

  • Dsc8853hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8956hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8951hiressite Gallery
  • DJI 0101Hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8906hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8924hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8931hiressite Gallery
  • Gopr7618hiressite Gallery
  • Dsc8882hiressite Gallery

All Programs

Kids party: Hiking in the Parnitha fir forest

1 to 3 hours


Kids party: Exploring the forest of Parnitha

2 hours


Kids party: Trekking Hellas Challenge in Parnitha

3 hours


Kids party: Treasure Hunt in the forest of Parnitha

2 -2,5 hours


Kids Party: Adventure Time in Parnitha

3+ hours


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