
Trekking Hellas Thessaloniki


(+30) 23520 82689, (+30) 6974301684

Ermou 36 (4th floor), 546 23, Thessaloniki, Greece



Mount Olympus


Sakis Pitenis

(+30 )6974301684

Trekking Hellas is now proudly present in Thessaloniki! We welcome you to become a part of our community and explore with us the undiscovered trails and stunning nature of the northern Greek region!

Whether you're a local or visiting Thessaloniki for vacation, we invite you to discover the unique flavors of our city through amazing food tours or experience the cosmopolitan atmosphere of our center through walking tours.

Additionally, enjoy our hiking programs, starting from Thessaloniki and heading towards unique destinations such as Mount Olympus, Pieria, Mount Paiko, Lailias, Holomontas, and many other hidden gems. Embark on an exciting experience with both day trips and multi-day excursions, with the safety and quality provided by Trekking Hellas Thessaloniki.

All Provided Activities

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Mt. Olympus Highlights

4 hours

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Hiking the Ice Makers’ Trail

4-5 hours

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Vergina: Discover the Royal Tombs

3 hours

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Thessaloniki through the Centuries

4 hours

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Two-day Exploration in Kissavos

2 days


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